Henderson Movement assessment

At Agape Health, our Las Vegas sports medicine doctors use movement assessments when working with patients. These assessments allow us to find areas of mobility restrictions and stability deficits. We use the movement assessment at the beginning of your visit to obtain a baseline of your current functional ability. Additionally, by finding where the true mobility or stability problem exists, we are also able to target your specific needs. Once treated, we then use the movement assessment to ensure change has been accomplished.


A movement assessment is also useful when dealing with patients or athletes that have muscular imbalances, whether the imbalance is due to acute or chronic injury, training habits, or sport-specific training. In general, human movement can be broken down into patterns. Human movements can be broken down into a squat, dead-lift, lunge, horizontal push/pull, vertical push/pull, and reciprocal patterns. These movements are important in athletic performance and also important in activities of daily living. These patterns are important in the rehabilitation process when rehabbing injuries and these patterns are also important to master while trying to improve athletic ability.

Visit our Chiropractors in Las Vegas today, or give us a call to learn about your treatment and payment options.