In Las Vegas and Henderson, NV


Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (aka IASTM) is a soft tissue treatment which utilizes specialized instruments (usually made of surgical steal). These instruments assist the clinician in detecting abnormalities within the soft tissue, through the feedback the tools give the clinicians.

IASTM has been shown to be an amazing treatment option for patients with tendonapathies like tendonitis and tendonosis. The mechanical compression the tool creates to the underlying soft tissue allows for a decrease in muscle spasm and guarding, increase in localized blood flow, break down and re-organization of fibrous connective tissue and scar tissue.

IASTM is a great treatment option for those who prefer the feel over traditional hands on approach such as manual myofascial release. IASTM can also be very useful in the later recovery stages of injury rehabilitation, in which we combine treatment with IASTM while performing specific movements and or loading the injured tissue with exercises.

Graston and FAKTR are both forms of IASTM, both have their unique treatment protocols.


Who developed the Graston technique?

The Graston technique was developed by David Graston while he was competing athletically. Graston is a manual soft tissue technique that relies on stainless steel tools or instruments. These instruments are also used to:

  • detect areas of fibrosis

  • aid in the reduction of chronic inflammation

  • break up scar tissue adhesions

  • release fascial restrictions

All of the above options can be used on athletes, as originally intended, but have also been shown to drastically improve the quality of life in patients with tendonitis. Our sports medicine doctors, led by Dr. Job Krugly, are all certified in both the Graston and FAKTR techniques for athletes.

Graston & IASTM treatment in Henderson, NV

At Agape Health & Fitness, our sports medicine protocol was developed to help you - our patients - recover quickly & permanently, and increase their quality of living. Located in southeast Las Vegas, if you’re looking to reduce tendonitis, inflammation, recovery from fibrosis, or just increase your quality of life, our team is here to help.